Make an Appointment: [email protected] | (940) 577-1848

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    All About Therapy

    “Licensed Professional Counselors help people of all ages live happier, healthier and more productive lives.”

    Through the use of various psychotherapy methods, including restorative art, Somatic Experiencing, CBT, DBT, substance abuse treatment, and collaborative treatment measures,

    my patients develop life-changing habits to help them cope with any of life’s various obstacles.

    My therapy sessions are designed to help my clients know and understand their unique individual self better. This leads to lessening of depressive or anxious symptoms, healthier boundaries, increased social engagement, and more opportunities for growth as an individual.

    Why should I choose therapy with ThinkSpace?

    If you have tried typical “talk therapy” and you walked away feeling like you didn’t get what you were expecting, you may want to consider trying therapy that incorporates more than just thoughts and talk.

    ​Possibly, you tried therapy before, and you didn’t feel a connection with your therapist- give a new therapist a try. It’s important for each client to understand, if you don’t connect with your therapist after 3-4 sessions, try someone new. Just like with every other relationship, sometimes we click, and sometimes we don’t.

    ​Maybe you have physical symptoms that just won’t go away. You have seen the doctor, and maybe even specialists. No one can help stop the pain. Consider somatic psychotherapy. Somatic psychotherapy works with the sensations in the body to address the emotional and mental struggles and hurts we have. Research is exploding with information on how the body expresses the hurts and trauma that we have experienced and are continuing to hold inside.